helpful tips ozone concentration charts
Information Center Ozone Concentrations 
Ozone Concentrations 0-5% Oxygen-Ozone mixture on Erythrocytes
Concentration Definition. In chemistry, concentration refers to the amount of a substance per defined space.
Ozone Concentrations refers to the amount of oxygen-ozone gas in a defined space, this space being measured in weight per millimeter (ug/ml). The higher the concentration of ozone gas per ml, the more ozone molecules present within the measured space. 

Medical ozone is produced in varying concentrations. The quantity of ozone in comparison with the quantity of oxygen in the gas stream is called per cent concentration. It is measured in micrograms (ug) of ozone per milliliter (ml or cc) of the mixture. A liter of oxygen weighs 1.4 grams. Therefore :

0.5 % X 1.4 gm/l = 7 ug/ml 

1.0 % X 1.4 gm/l = 14 ug/ml 

1.5 % X 1.4 gm/l = 21 ug/ml

2.0 % X 1.4 gm/l = 28 ug/ml 

2.5 % X 1.4 gm/l = 35 ug/ml 

3.0 % X 1.4 gm/l = 42 ug/ml 

3.5 % X 1.4 gm/l = 49 ug/ml 

4.0 % X 1.4 gm/l = 56 ug/ml 

4.5 % X 1.4 gm/l = 63 ug/ml 

5.0 % X 1.4 gm/l = 70 ug/ml 

5 % or 70 ug/ml is considered to be the upper limit of concentration for internal use of medical ozone.Dr. Greenberg, formerly of the Kief Clinic, has shown, in vitro, that at concentrations of 90 ug/ml there was crimping of red blood cells which was definitely harmful. 

Experiments by F. Sweet et al, have shown inhibition of growth in healthy cells at concentrations above 70 ug/ml.
If we stay below that level, we will have no problems. Generators that produce higher concentrations can be dangerous for home use. Medical ozone therapy has been found to be an extremely safe modality, free from the dangerous side effects associated with drugs. In a 1980 study done by the German Medical Society for Ozone Therapy, 644 therapists were polled regarding their 384,775 patients, with a total of 5,579,238 ozone treatments administered. There were only 40 cases of side effects noted out of this number, which represents the incredibly low rate of .000007 %, and only four fatalities. Ozone has thus proven to be the safest medical therapy ever devised.Prof. B. Halliwell of the University of London has stated, after researching the topic, that there has never been a case cited in the medical literature of damage caused in vivo by the O1 oxygen radical.

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